- One deluxe room accommodation or one free boat entry. (Subject to committee approval)
- Distinction as Major Sponsor.
- Preferred advertising and Company listed in our Tournament Brochure.
- Logo or company name on T-shirts. (Pending deadlines).
- Logo or Company on website and tournament banner.
- Four complimentary social tickets for all events.
- Opportunity to "showcase" your latest product among sport fishing's elite community.
- Plaque commemorating your support of the tournament.
- Tournament bag and t-shirts.
Platinum Sponsor - $6,000
- Distinction as Major Sponsor.
- Company listed in our Tournament Magazine.
- Logo or company on website and tournament banner.
- Two complimentary social tickets for all events.
- Your banner displayed in the tournament tent
- Plaque commemorating your support of the tournament.
- Tournament bag and shirts.
Gold Sponsor - $3,000
- Company listed in our Tournament Brochure.
- Logo or company on website.
- Two complimentary social ticket for all events.
- Plaque commemorating your support.
- Four tournament shirts.
Silver Sponsor - $1,500
- Company listed in our Tournament Brochure.
- Company name on website.
- One complimentary social ticket for the Awards Dinner.
- Plaque commemorating your support.
- Two tournament T-shirts
Please make check payable to "Skip's Tournaments"
(Sponsorship deadline March 1, 2023)
2931 NE 16 St. Pompano Beach, FL 33062 cell (954) 531-7985 fax (954) 784-1822