Dreaming of that grander blue? It's no secret that Abaco produces big fish. Hosting the Bahamas' richest marlin tournament and the final leg of the Abaco Diamond Series, the ABBMT could make your dreams a reality!
Don't wait 'til the last minute! After March 15th, entry fee will increase to $4,500.
All credit cards will be subject to a 4% service fee
Download the Abaco Beach Blue Marlin Tournament Entry Form
Updated details to come!
Wednesday, May 24th | |
3:00pm to 5:00pm | Registration |
7:30pm | Kickoff - Cocktail Party |
8:00pm | Captain's Meeting |
Dinner & Cocktails |
Thursday, May 25th | |
6:30am | Breakfast delivered |
8:30am to 4:30pm | Day 1 Fishing |
4:30pm | Rum punch dock greeting |
4:30pm to 7:00pm | Weigh-in and video review |
7:30pm | Grill night! |
Bring your meat, fish, chicken, etc. and our Chef will grill it for you! We will have all the side dishes - burgers and hotdogs available, too! |
Friday, May 26th | |
6:30am | Breakfast delivered |
8:30am to 4:30pm | Day 2 Fishing |
4:30pm | Rum punch dock greeting |
4:30pm to 7:00pm | Weigh-in and video review |
7:30pm | Dinner - You are on your own tonight. Help support the local restaurants! |
Saturday, May 27th | |
6:30am | Breakfast delivered |
8:30am to 4:30pm | Day 3 Fishing |
4:30pm to 7:00pm | Weigh-in and video review |
7:30pm | Cocktails |
8:00pm | Awards Dinner at the Tournament Tent |
Refundable if no fish caught. Pays 1st & 2nd only. 70/30 payout
$5,000 - Largest Blue Marlin 101" LJSL
Pays 1st & 2nd only. 70/30 payout
$3,000- Billfish Release Divisions
All billfish points combined.
$2,000 - Overall WTA
$1,500 Top Captain & Crew WTA
$2,000 each day - All billfish points per day.
Pays 1st & 2nd each day only. 70/30 payout
The Captain's Meeting will be held Wednesday, May 24th, 2022 at 7pm at the Tournament Tent at the Abaco Beach Resort & Boat Harbour Marina for all registered teams. A team representative must be in attendance, as rules are subject to change.
Any images or video downloaded by the Committee become the property of the Tournament and its agents and may be used in displays, promotional materials, marketing campaigns or web design.
The Abaco Beach Blue Marlin Tournament is a U.S.-based company and requires all payouts be submitted with an IRS Form 1099 Misc., even if the winnings are earned in a foreign country. If your team is entitled to a cash reward at the conclusion of a tournament, an IRS Form W-9 must be submitted to the Committee prior to receiving the award. Each tournament team must designate one representative payee to receive payment. Payment of "cash prizes/awards" is by check and will be written to the team's representative. The Committee has up to one week after the conclusion of the tournament to make payment(s) to the winner(s). The Tournament Committee accepts no responsibility for the division of cash awards, optional cash rewards, or any other rewards between team members. You may download the IRS Form W-9 here: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf
The IGFA has given this tournament permission to replicate portions of their rulings, And has no involvement in these particular Regulations.
The following acts will disqualify a catch: